Multi-lifespan Information System DesignSome problems are unlikely to be solved within a single human lifespan. The Voices from the Rwanda Tribunal is the first large-scale proof of concept project conducted under a multi-lifespan information system design framing. We believe these historically significant materials will be of interest to Rwandans, to the international justice community, and to the global public, now and a hundred years from now. In addition to contributing to peace-building, justice and reconciliation in Rwanda as well as to international justice, this project will contribute rigorous information system design knowledge, methods and heuristics for identifying visions, institutional policies, infrastructure, plans, and actions that can be implemented in the near-term to enable a long-term vision about information integration and access. Publications2017Friedman, B. and Yoo, D. (2017). Pause: A multi-lifespan design mechanism. In Proceedings of CHI 2017, 460-464. New York, NY: ACM Press. 2016Friedman, B., Nathan, L. P., and Yoo, D. (2016). Multi-lifespan information system design in support of transitional justice: evolving situated design principles for the long(er) term. Interacting with Computers, iwv045. Yoo, D., Derthick, K., Shaghayegh, G., Hakizimana, J., Gill, B., and Friedman, B.(2016). Multi-lifespan design thinking: two methods and a case study with the Rwandan diaspora. In Proceedings of CHI 2016, 4423-4434. New York, NY: ACM Press. 2013Yoo, D., Lake, M., Nilsen, T., Utter, M. E., Alsdorf, R., Bizimana, T., Nathan, L. P., Ring, M., Utter, E. J., Utter, R. F., and Friedman, B. (2013). Envisioning across generations: A multi-lifespan information system for international justice in Rwanda. In Proceedings of CHI 2013, 2527-2536. New York, NY: ACM Press. 2012Nilsen, T., Grey, N. C., and Friedman, B. (2012). Public curation of a historic collection: A means for speaking safely in public. Extended Abstracts of CSCW 2012, 277-278. New York, NY: ACM Press. 2011Nathan, L.P., Grey, N.C., Lake, M., Nilsen, T., Utter, E., Utter, R.F., Ring, M., Kahn, Z., and Friedman, B. (2011). Multi-lifespan information system design: Investigating a new design approach in Rwanda. In Proceedings of iConference 2011. New York: ACM Press, 591-597. 2010Friedman, B. and Nathan, L. P., Multi-lifespan information system design: A research initiative for the HCI community. In Proceedings of CHI 2010. ACM Press (2010). Friedman, B., Nathan, L.P., Lake, M., Grey, N.C., Nilsen, T., Utter, R.F., Utter, E., Ring, M., and Kahn, Z., Multi-lifespan information system design in post-conflict societies: an evolving project in Rwanda. Extended Abstracts of CHI 2010 Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems, 2833-2842. New York: ACM Press. Nathan, L. P., and Friedman, B. (2010). Interacting with policy in a political world: Reflections from the Voices of the Rwanda Tribunal project. ACM interactions, 17(5), 56-59. |