I believe that that, that act of impunity that has been condoned by not going after all the perceived perpetrator of the crimes, will remain. It will remain a scar, a (________) on the conscience of this tribunal.
And I say so for good reason, because one of the reasons why the, the, the – it has been ruled that this is a genocide is because of the fact that the Tutsis were targeted. Now when you have a tribunal that targets the Hutu, it becomes a sort of judicial genocide, sort of judicial genocide.
And the, the tribunal and United Nations, did they do, do, do justice? No, they didn’t do justice, as long as that perception remains very, very strong, especially on the majority of Rwandans. Not just the majority of Rwandans but majority of people of the ethnic, the same ethnic composition of the Tutsi-, the Hutus in Congo, in Congo Brazzaville, in Central Africa, in Cameroon.
And the, the Tutsi that constitute the Himas in Uganda or other places, the wider, the wider ethnic configuration as long as it remains, it remains a major problem.

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Interview Date:
November 3, 2008
Arusha, Tanzania
Batya Friedman
Ronald Slye
Ronald Slye
Max Andrews
Excerpt From:
Part 3
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Voices from the Rwanda Tribunal team