The-, there are too many non-legal, non-judicial interferences, you know, in the general functioning of, of ICTR and that may have, to a certain extent, diverted the institution from its, its objective.
I mean political interferences, government interference. I wouldn’t want to mention any country but I-, I’m sure you have an idea. The attempt, for instance, to push the judges to try a certain category, you know of, of suspects and not some others, okay.
Lisa P. Nathan: Can you be any more specific to . . . ?
Trying to orientate the investigation, (__) the investigations of the Office of the Prosecutor in a given direction and, and putting obstacles, you know, when the Prosecutor wanted to also investigate the opposite side, side, you know, of the events, et cetera. And then the quality of the witnesses.

François Bembatoum speaks on...
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Interview Date:
October 22, 2008
Arusha, Tanzania
Lisa P. Nathan
John McKay
John McKay
Max Andrews
Excerpt From:
Part 2
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Voices from the Rwanda Tribunal team