I think this – I’m not so sure if really the tribunal has, has evaluated his role, his role as, in th-, in the reconciliation among Rwandese. I think this side of its mission has been forgotten really because reconciliation between whom and whom, because some might say that this tribunal is, has failed to reach.
When you, I mean hear, I mean some kind of what is being said by Rwandese you talk to on the street, they don’t see really the work of ICTR in reconciling Rwandese. It’s something which is being done somewhere there and they are not aware of what’s going on and other people do say that this tribunal is onl-, only prosecuting one side of the people who were in war in Rwanda; mainly the former government officials.
I think you are aware that many people do criticize the ICTR for not, not having indicted I mean the other people who were fighting with the, the former Rwan-, Rwandese government; mainly the RPF soldiers or officials who might have committed some crimes against humanity.
So these kinds of failures do make some people think that the tribunal has failed totally in addressing or in meeting this reconciliation objective. That what I can say on this issue.

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Interview Date:
October 28, 2008
Arusha, Tanzania
Robert Utter
Ronald Slye
Ronald Slye
Max Andrews
Excerpt From:
Part 6
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Voices from the Rwanda Tribunal team