It’s, I think one of the lessons that can be learned from this tribunal is that it’s difficult to have criminal litigation that goes on over a number of years with several accused involved.
It’s difficult to keep your staff that doing the work on both side, whether the prosecution or the defense. It’s – you have to have judges that are fit and strong to sit long hours over many years.
You have to have strategies that actually works over all these years. You can’t change them from one day to another so you have to have a very long-term vision as a lawyer when you present your case.
You have to have a organization behind you that’s willing to back you on all levels all, over all these years. You have, as a team you have to have extreme tolerance and acceptance of each other because you spend so much time together.
And although you’re really tired of the ones that you work the closest with, you, you, as much as you learn to love them over the years, you know, it, i-, that can be difficult too. So I can really not pinpoint one thing.
Robert Utter: Not the most difficult, they’re all difficult.
It’s very di-, it was, it, it has been very challenging but I don’t think I have been bored one day.

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Interview Date:
October 29, 2008
Arusha, Tanzania
Robert Utter
Donald J. Horowitz
Donald J. Horowitz
Max Andrews
Excerpt From:
Part 2
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Voices from the Rwanda Tribunal team