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Interview Date:
October 23, 2008
Arusha, Tanzania
Donald J Horowitz
John McKay
John McKay
Max Andrews
4:19 - 8:13
Donald J Horowitz: So let’s go back to, you have wri-, . . .
DJH: . . . you then joined Chambers One again.
That’s right.
DJH: But this time, in a different role. And what was your title? What is your title?
I'm currently and have been for the last 20 months an associate legal officer in Chamber One.
DJH: And the duties are?
We’re essentially, if you would compare it to the American system, we’re essentially clerks for our judges.
DJH: Mm-hmm. Like law, like we would say 'law clerks' to a, to an appellate court j-, or to a j-, to a judge.
To a judge back . . .
DJH: Yeah, right.
. . . in the United States. Although in, in, in this environment, because of the sort of newness of the law and the diversity of the judicial bench that we have in, in this environment, instead of it being sort of a position that you could have maybe for one year before moving on to do something else, it’s really sort of, you know, being an advisor to the judges can be a career path in, in this environment.
So each judge in chambers has their own le-, associate legal officer. And within that, also there are others who are floaters like myself, who are brought in or hired to help with specific projects. So I am attached to the judges of the Trial Chamber One, although not assigned to one of them in particular.
And the reason I was hired is to help with the writing, the preparation of the Military One judgment. And I’ve been doing that now for 20 months.
DJH: My goodness. And the presiding judge of that chamber is who?
Is Judge Møse, Judge Erik Møse, who is a judge from Norway and has now been at the tribunal, I think, at the end of 2008 or 2009, almost ten years. So yeah.
DJH: And he was the President Judge for four years, I understand.
That’s right.
DJH: And before that was Assistant President Judge. Yes.
Exactly. So he’s also, you know, I mean he was, he was President during my, my time here, so he, he resigned from his Presidency or his term came to an end in, in August 2007.
DJH: Yeah. I don't think he resigned, at least from my understanding.
Well, well sorry. He didn’t resign. His, his, he, his term came to an end. Yeah.
DJH: One can only – one can only have two two-year terms at most. Yeah, yeah.
Exactly, sorry. So my terminology was slightly wrong. So his term came to an end.
DJH: Yes.
And then it moved to Judge Byron. Yeah. Yeah.
DJH: Okay.
Max Andrews: (______) pull a Roosevelt, stick around for three terms.
No, no.
DJH: No.
He couldn’t. Yeah.
DJH: Yes. So essentially, I mean, while you are a floater, your primary responsibility is to the Presiding Judge of that chamber, on that case?
On that case and to that judgment drafting team.
DJH: Yes.
DJH: Alright, and is there somebody who’s a staff person who's the chief of the, that drafting team?
Yes, I think I mentioned pr-, you know, previously that within the hierarchy there is a trial coordinator, a judgment coordinator. That is my current supervisor or boss, and his name is Matthew Carlson.
And he is responsible for apportioning the work of the, of the judgment, structuring it, and giving it to the associate legal officers to, to research and draft on behalf of the judges. Yeah.
DJH: Okay.
DJH: Now, you mentioned the name Susan Lamb earlier . . .
DJH: . . . and I was wondering wh-, what her position is in.
Susan Lamb (__), during the tenure of President Møse, as President, was his Chef de Cabinet.
DJH: Okay.
When he lost his position or he, his position as president came to an end, Susan within our chamber is sort of the most senior legal officer. She’s responsible for staffing issues, for complicated judgment drafting and advice. But our main coordinator of the, of the project that we’re involved with right now is, is, is Matthew Carlson.
DJH: Yes.
Yeah. Yeah.
DJH: Okay. I was trying figure out the relationship. Yeah.
That's okay. Yeah.
DJH: Very good.