And there’s a general view that the fostering of reconciliation requires the establishment of a, of an actual, a factual historical record of what transpired.
So if you look at the, the, the evidence and the judgments of the, many of our cases, you will notice that the, the trial examined and addressed factors which went beyond the, the elements of the crime.
So they addressed matters that were far more, far wider and broader than were necessary to establish guilt or innocence in particular cases. They, they, they undertook the task of developing a, a pretty comprehensive factual record of what transpired during th-, during that, that period and the period building up to it.

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About this video
Country of Origin:
St. Kitts & Nevis
Interview Date:
10/28/2008; 11/05/2008
Arusha, Tanzania
Robert Utter
Max Andrews
Excerpt From:
Part 3
Submitted By:
Voices from the Rwanda Tribunal team