Victims are all the Rwandese. I think even in International Criminal Court up to now, there is no definition who is a victim. That is the problem also of, juridically speaking, who is a victim because all of them are victims directly or indirectly, I mean.
And, and, no, the thing is when you are in Rwanda and people tell you story what happened to them, what happened to the family, their family, they show you the holes where, where they were hiding. It’s not the same that when you go in court now after ten years, 12 years; looking people, witnesses, talking about something. But, you are an interpreter and understand them. It must be very hard for them, but still you don’t know the person.
But when you are in Rwanda and you know the people, and you put faces on the drama, I think that, that is, is quite different in term of intensity. What I can tell you is when I was in Rwanda, I mean even after Rwanda, w-, when they asked me to become chief of the lawyers I start crying, (__) crying seriously.
When I saw the first detainee, I was, it was really changing inside even though I was trying to control myself, but it’s not easy to control y-, yourself.

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Interview Date:
November 3, 2008
Arusha, Tanzania
Lisa P. Nathan
Donald J Horowitz
Donald J Horowitz
Nell Carden Grey
Excerpt From:
Part 11
Submitted By:
Voices from the Rwanda Tribunal team