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Interview Date:
October 31, 2008
Arusha, Tanzania
Donald J Horowitz
Nell Carden Grey
28:08 - 31:11
Donald J Horowitz: Would, do you have any views on whether it would have been better for the court to be closer to the Rwandan people, either physically or by greater communication? For, for your judgments for example, if you found somebody guilty and they are sentenced, and the communication and also the, the visibility of justice – do you have any views on whether it would have been better in your opinion, your personal opinion or your judicial opinion, to have the ca-, the court closer to the Rwandan people?
Oui, bien sûr, mais on a surtout pensé aux conditions de sécurité. On a pensé que la Tanzanie est un pays en paix, vous savez. Il y a encore des gens qui, qui ont peut-être, qui ont peut-être des sentiments de, de, de génocide ou je ne sais pas, ils pourraient peut-être tuer. Alors je pense qu’on a choisi Arusha parce que c’est un, une, c’est une contrée calme et, et où il y a, où la sécurité est assurée.
D’ailleurs au début, il y avait une grande sécurité autour des juges, mais maintenant, tout au long des six années, on s’est aperçu que, on peut, on s’est aperçu qu’il y a moins de, peut être moins de danger et la sécurité s’est un, s’est un peu relâchée, s’est un peu plutôt, pas relâchée mais est moindre, mais cela ne veut pas dire qu’on est vraiment, on est vraiment, on est encore bien surveillés.
Interpreter: Yes, of course, but especially they had to look at the security conditions. anzania is a country, which is experiencing peace. Because one never knows – maybe in that country, there are still people who have feelings of, you know, committing genocide or killing.
Interpreter: Arusha was chosen because Arusha is a place which is calm and which is known for its security. Initially the security details and arrangements surrounding judges were quite stiff and tough. But overtime, within the past six years, it has been noticed that there were really no risks of any danger which the judges could face. So judges security has not really slackened as such, but the strong security presence has been sort of watered down. But it shouldn’t give anyone the impression that the judges are not well protected – quite the contrary.