Donald J Horowitz: W-, what kind of prisoners do you have here? In other words are there different categories of prisoners or, or people who are detained here?
I have different categories. We have military high rank, we have some generals, majors, captain, major, majors also are here and even colonel among them, which means that they are well, high, well-educated. We have a member of the government, different backgrounds; doctors in medicine, we have lawyers, we have also – what they say – economists.
DJH: Mm-hmm.
And we have also some lower people among them – prisoners which are, didn’t get high education but they are very few.

Saidou Guindo speaks on...
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Country of Origin:
Interview Date:
October 16, 2008
Arusha, Tanzania
Donald J Horowitz
Lisa P. Nathan
Lisa P. Nathan
Max Andrews
Nell Carden Grey
Nell Carden Grey
Excerpt From:
Part 1
Submitted By:
Voices from the Rwanda Tribunal team