And therefore, when I convened that general staff meeting, I did say to the whole staff, to the judges, to everybody: we are privileged. We are privileged people for having been called to participate in the administration of international justice.
We are privileged people for having been offered a position to fight against impunity. We are privileged people for having been invited to be part of a large team which is aim to render justice to the victims of the genocide committed in 1994 in Rwanda.
And therefore, from the judges down to the cleaners, each of us is only an element of a chain. Each of us has an important role to play and therefore, we have to do every effort so that we will complete our work as soon as possible.

Adama Dieng speaks on...
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Country of Origin:
Interview Date:
10/28/2008; 11/05/2008
Arusha, Tanzania
Batya Friedman
Donald J Horowitz
Donald J Horowitz
Max Andrews
Excerpt From:
Part 2
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Voices from the Rwanda Tribunal team