And of course the other-, th-, I think that one of the biggest problems also was that after, after the genocide, Rwanda was completely left with almost nothing. All the judiciary people were killed. All those involved in the genocide, they flee, they fled the country and yet they were invited to co-exist with the tribunal, full of means, so to speak.
Millions of dollars invested into a justice system which was kind of foreign to them, which was being held abroad. They even, they barely know, knew what was going on here. So I think that all those (__), frustration were just building up and then they, they could not stand it because for example, we would invite witness here, they, you know, starving witnesses.
And so they, they see the staff of the tribunal very well paid and once they know about the cost involved in this system of justice, it just did not fit, bec-, for, for people who even had nothing to eat. So, and time and time again you would even hear Rwandan people okay, t-, tell okay, “So we would be better off without this tribunal if just as a means put there were given to us, to, to alleviate some of our suffering.
We would be better off. For example, hundreds of millions of dollars, why don’t you just give us the money.” Even at the official level, you know, you would s-, hear those kind of comment.

Mandiaye Niang speaks on...
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Interview Date:
October 08, 2008
Arusha, Tanzania
Batya Friedman
Eric Saltzman
Eric Saltzman
Patricia Boiko
Excerpt From:
Part 6
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Voices from the Rwanda Tribunal team