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Interview Date:
October 28, 2008
Kigali, Rwanda
Lisa P. Nathan
Nell Carden Grey
34:02 - 38:46
Lisa P. Nathan: So if you were going to speak to somebody who would have your job in the future, someone who had a s-, similar responsibilities to you but they were new coming in to a situation where they were going to be doing both the, both the outreach and the various roles that you play with the ICTR in Kigali, what would you recommend? Would you have any words of advice for them?
Now of course basing on my experience, I hope I would have a lot to advise them. So I would do, brief them on what it makes for somebody to work in such a judicial establishment, what they are likely to find, the environment, the expectation, how they can go about what they can do in effecting their duties and responsibilities, how they can do the work perfectly.
I could give them ideas on how to prepare like press releases, press statements, how to deal with the media, how, how to invite the media for press conferences, how to cater for them; all these kind of thing, I, I hope there could be a lot to tell them.
LPN: If you have anything else that you have thought of while we were talking or maybe something you were thinking about before we spoke today that you would like to share with us about your experiences here, please feel free at this time. If there’s something else you’ve been thinking of or want to share with the future.
Ah, okay. My experience is great; it’s very interesting to work with such an institution rendering international justice. Such an institution is very important because I think if it was not for the ICTR, a lot of people would have escaped justice. So, this one gives us also a bigger experience.
Because if you look at the people who have been arrested, who have been tried, even those who are still not tried but who will be tried, it may be very soon, so you find that such an institution is very important in co-, in contributing to justice and reconciliation, because the people who planned such killings in the country and you, you don’t bring them to justice, so that one would be a very big judicial disappointment.
So I hope such an institution gives us a lot of experience in terms of bringing people to trial, and trying them. It’s very important because it forms the history of this country. Back to another experience, there is a lot to learn. As I told you, besides being a journalist, besides being an information man, I have also a lot of experience in economics and the economics profession, but surely I have learned a lot, especially a lot of legal terminologies.
So, okay I’m not a lawyer by profession but I have a lot of ideas about all these justice and judicial proceedings. So, there is a lot of experience which I have gained from this institution and I hope it would help me also in the future. So even when the tribunal closes down, I hope I have gained a lot of skills which I can also, the experience which I can also extend to other similar institutions, if I get an opportunity to serve them. So surely, I hope there is a lot to learn from such an establishment.
LPN: And there’s a lot to learn from you; thank you. Thank you very much. I’m very appreciative.
Thank you very much also.