So this one we have been doing it in order to target the youth, the younger generation, because they have a big role to play in the unity and reconciliation process of the country. So we thought it was very necessary for them to understand what the tribunal is doing. So it is the outreach program which spearheads all that.
So we have been doing it for a long time, since the year 2005, if not 2004, whereby we go to different secondary schools, we screen documentaries about the ICTR; we screen documentaries about other judicial proceedings in the country, about Gacaca. And after that exercise, we always give time to the audience, so whereby a question and answer session takes place and we give the students time to ask questions.
And various questions are normally asked about the activities of the tribunal, a good number of questions and our duty is to answer them and that’s what we always do. And at the end of the day, when we leave such places, we are sure that a big number of the students have understood what the tribunal is all about, why in the first place it was setup, how the trials have been going on and its contribution to the unity and reconciliation process in Rwanda.
In other words, you find that most of the students at the end of the day, they understand the role of international justice in the unity and reconci-, reconciliation process of Rwanda.

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Interview Date:
October 28, 2008
Kigali, Rwanda
Lisa P. Nathan
Nell Carden Grey
Excerpt From:
Part 2
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Voices from the Rwanda Tribunal team